Hand in the 3D on the meeting high to pass feeling technology fetching surround view Shenzhen business to sign up for reporter Wang 阿拉爱上海靠谱吗Hairong civil / the graph lets a mobile phone be you relaxed draw with respect to head portrait of a 3D, brandish waves to be able to freely pilot intelligence TV, 2 seconds measure data of material of one’s previous experience accurately, those who help you pick appropriate clothes is fict上海会所微信qq群itious try the garment, brush the unmanned crate that brushs a face to pay automatically with respect to implementation… these intelligent setting are becoming the common setting in people life gradually. Give what the machi上海市大型洗浴会所ne can understand the world one pair ” eye上海外卖私人工作室 ” , the Shenzhen that 3D of dedicated research and development passes feeling technology abstruse limited company of optical science嘉定精油spa and technology is dedicated in comparing hereat. On November 17, abstruse the light in comparing makes the newest application that a series of 3D revealed to pass feeling technology on the meeting 2019上海最新夜上海论坛high in the 20th, made the person that look around clear experience 3D to send the mystical force of feeling. 2 seconds of Shenzhen that measure 28 figures data to hold water at the beginning of 2013 abstruse in comparing, limited 上海419高端桑拿company of optical science and technology is the innovation that devotes oneself to 3D vision and research of artificial intelligence direction and development enterprise, it also is afterwards apple, Microsoft, Intel later, the whole world can measure the company that produ上海外国菜ces completely own intellectual property to consume class 3D sensor the 4th times. Is this 3D passed feeling photograph have after all like the head why be in magically? According to introducing, it divides composition by 3 ministries, left infra-red emitter can project specific smooth information arrives object surface, the infra-red receiver of right i上海外卖品茶群s in charge of gathering deepness information, color photographs the RGB among to film like the head object color picture, recover from an illness thereby the three-dimensional information of the object. Current, abstruse the smooth 3D in comparing is photographed can realize person face to identify like the head, gesticulation identifying, three-dimensional measure function of decathlon waiting for number, mature 3D passes feeling technology to also had applied in product of terminal of much money intelligence. Exhibited a measuring instrument of three-dimensional human body that go up to draw figure of the test before numerous lady love the United States goes up. The measuring instrument used 16 by abstruse the 3D sensor of smooth own research and development in comparing, carry measures signal of technology, number to handle a technology to wait with optics, the blame that can have face of three-dimensional human body quickly contacts automation to measure, establish AI technology and 3D modular technology tie, build several measurement point quickly 3D mannequin, 2 seconds can measure 28 figures data quickly. Look from current use condition, this technology besides can help a person measure a figure, return applicable to build model, 3D to print really at copy, personalized dress custom-built, 上海火车站附近快餐女3D上海龙凤桑拿419 is fictitious try the garment, medicine to become resemble and later period of game of human body research, movie and TV is made wait for different domain. Be in among them personalized dress is custom-built respect, abstruse in comparing, reveal solely ” 3 wisdom garments ” can pass feeling equipment to undertake metrical to human body data through 3D, undertake to dress data by AI intelligence is handled again. The person that use can pass small store design of product of online and own alternative, craft, raw material, after building order consign plant, implementation ” by require production ” ” 0 inventory ” flexible production. While this technology is satisfying user individuation design requ上海水磨干磨irement, also reduce the cost with custom-built dress of traditional mill style substantially, wide perspective is had in inn of door of new retail clothing. Technical innovation is ecbolic ” brush a face ” appl上海狼族藏凤阁1314ication erupts type growth mobile phone brushs a face to solve a lock, brush a face to take a money, brush a face to pay, partial airport, railway station already realized the pull in that brush a face, high-end office building enabled the part to brush a face to open the door, brush a face to play card… ” brush a face ” application is being shown erupt type grows. Wait for an individual as the card of Id, bank, small number that believe Zhang inform上海油压店关了好多ation and ” face ” bind together, people already was experienced stage by stage taking away a piece of face the freely of 232794 the world. 3D person face identifies is the line on jumper falls undoubtedly, extend ” unmanned ” the key that serves setting. Abstruse the light in comparing revealed the 3D that takes collaboration to roll out with ant gold to brush a face to pay facility. According to introducing, 3D brushs a face to pay equipment to already waited for numerous line to issue the application in retail setting in Kendeji, supermarket, convenience inn, about a hundred city of countrywide exceeds 1 million consumer to already took the lead in experiencing t奉贤榆榕庄国际水疗hose who brush a face to pay is convenient. As we have learned, after paying treasure 3D to brush a face to pay the line on equipment, alleviated effectively phenomenon of settle accounts of height period of time queueing up, efficiency of settle accounts receiving silver promotes considerably.