2018, bureau of Siming area tourism places safe production job in first place from beginning to end, around Siming area travel safety works mainly, strengthen an industry to superintend, fulfil travel 95661 scene area manages system of safety responsibility, build smooth and orderly travel market environment hard. It is to ensure the safety of passenger flow fastigium. The requirement travels each 95661 scene area, especially area of scene of 4A class above and experience sea kind, indoor kind of travel tourist attraction, the safe canal that takes passenger flow fastigium seriously accuses, tourist of farther check and ratify is the biggest bear the weight of quantity, the day that calculates line of上海松江区spa会所 area of a whole situation area, key, key accurately is the biggest bear the weight of quantity and instantaneous are the biggest bear the weight of quantit上海外滩桑拿联系电话y; Build to上海虹口spaurist shedding to measure real time supervisory system, enter scene division number to want to realize real time statistic, circuitry of key area, key wants to g干磨全套是什么意思o up supervisory equipment undertakes real time monitoring; Build passenger flow to forecast early-warning system, scene area entrance should create d上海普陀徐汇桑拿会所ischarge caution card, real time is announced the number that enters line of area of scene area, key, key and the biggest bear the weight of quanti上海水磨全套还有吗ty; Make exact flow control plan上海松江车墩哪有大保健, execute to key area, circuitry classification monitoring management, adopt entrance ticket to make an appointment means control welc上海419龙凤桑拿论坛omes tourist measure, tourist of timely dredge, billabong; Take the management that strengthens dangerous a sector of an area seriously, special time node should organize scene division the staff member最近上海油压店都关门 executes value of person specially assigned for a task to defend, lead a visitor one-way visit, put an end to the happening of crowded trample accident stoutly. 2 it is to ensure the safety of high risk project. Management caique, slideway, skip extremely, the high risk project such as switchback, should accomplish ” 4 must ” : Mu上海奉贤柘林按摩推油st get the management of relevant service is permitted, must throw operation via permitting do sth without authorization; Mus上海油压飞机店2018t undertake check and be maintenanced to equipment regularly, major part must undertake checking maintenance a few days ago, ensure equipment performance is good; Must groom strictly operation personnel, education presses operating rules operation strictly from personnel of course of study; Must begin spot safety clew to work, make clear relevant note to the tourist, to fitting a project mobile crowd should undertake be dissuasioned necessarily, put an end to adj/LIT wide to die stoutly, the happening that throws the accident such as the injury. 3 it is to ensure the safety of high risk time. Requirement each scene area especially the scene area that experience sea overlooks 松江荤场价格a lake, the travel safety that pays close attention to the special weather such as上海419龙凤桑拿网 thunderstorm, gale highly is on guard the job; Understand situation of the geology inside scene area, tide, mine field, formulate tourist is scattered beforehand case, stay sufficient avoid danger place; Encounter special weather, issue information of travel safety early-warning in time, adopt avoid decisively risk measure, guide a tourist to be far from th会所干磨.水磨,三通e dangerous a sector of an area such as besmear of mine field, beach, coast, prevent to p上海闵行区水磨roduce calamity accident. Author: Bureau of tourism of area of Xiamen city Siming wears Wei