Recently, 2018173823 peaceful city 37032 travel 2155 recommend can hold in 110 Shanghai, 75558 keys 2155 recommend 173823 peaceful city 37032 travel 78844 taste newly, 1183 characteristic 256848 rural 91006 countryside reach 75558 focal points 158031 travel project, introduce international of a region of rivers and l上海莞式桑拿水磨 419akes of city of water of city of peaceful of the 10th China travel section circumstance. This second recommend can divide 110 Shanghai urban district chief is attended related travel agent of society of branch of director of two stage travel, travel, key outside, still invite group of Heng Shan group, bright and beautiful river, answer star group to wai上海419龙凤桑拿论坛t for Shanghai large state-owend enterprise civilian look forward to, large experience brigade invests the home such as group of grou宫七spa静安店p of 10 thousand families, constant big group, overseas Chinese city, sea prosperous group, Kang Hui group group, group of region of the travel that carry Cheng, travel that be the same as Cheng, scene, coronal amounts to the travel bibcock enterprise such as You Lun and Shanghai media nearly 300 people attend. Recommend on the meeting, tourism bureau key recommended city to cover charm of peaceful city water, beautiful sea, culture, cate, buddhi干磨水磨全套iso流程st to repair, Kang Yangyun moves those who wait for 6 large categories ” 6 raise 6 boundaries ” spring travels 78844 taste newly, satisfy tourist diversification requirement. In the meantime, release promote Luo Cun of Gu Xiangdong of the crock that turn city, peaceful to start city Huang Qiao presses down Qi Hangcun, Jiang Yan area Shenyang city of area of Gao Zhenhe horizontal village, Hai Ling on the west Xu Zhuang of street kyl会所干磨和水磨的区别in community, high port area, and the 10 keys travel such as small town of charm of musical instrument of project of promotion of area of scene of phoenix city river, Tai Xinghuang bridge invests a project. Recommend this mee上海水磨论坛 上海闵行区水磨地方ting, city tourism bureau according to ” body of governmen2017上海会所扫黄现金tal dominant, proprietor of an enterprise, various participate in, the market is run ” principle, the key butt joint fluctuation in travel product and passenger source上海女生自荐 千花上海千花 三队 market kongfu, extend sale channel activ上海宝山哪里有荤场ely, the travel resource with peaceful high grade city, will上海长宁男士spa rich 158031 travel projects are recommended to Shanghai industr普陀区spa油压y release, promoted peaceful city travel to be in Shanghai and the beauty that grow trigonometry market further praise degree, quickened travel board piece conform the development pace of Shanghai. “Attend peaceful city travel to recommend today meeting, the beautiful scenery cate of peaceful city still has solid culture inside information to make my impression very deep. ” with vice president of Cheng tourism group Li Minghao expresses, the channel on the door inn that each district will carry after going back and line is recommended better and sell the 2019上海油压 开了吗 上海半套价位travel product of peaceful city, attract more tourist to travel to peaceful city. Gu Jia forehead represents travel times editor in chief, during section of peaceful city travel, travel times standard issues all traditional media and new media platform, will face section of peaceful city travel to undertake conduct propaganda with more edition, it is better that one is formed i上海419桑拿体验n Shanghai field more dynamic conduct propaganda atmosphere. As we have learned, recommend meeting hind, the our city still invites the organization honored guest attending the meeting to attend international of a region of rivers and lakes of city of water of Chinese peaceful city travel section, ” ruminate peaceful city ” activity of season of autumn cate travel; The design makes travel festooned vehicle attend make one’s rounds of festooned vehicle of Shanghai travel section to swim; Effect of brand of demonstrative area of travel of health of the medicine in developing national form, make the worker cure that faces Shanghai market recuperate base. Celebrate through follow-up section hold develop with the project, expand recommend meeting positive result, contented travel spending upgrades, service macrocosm travel is founded. In recent years, peaceful city travel gets rapid development, 上海工作室是仙人跳吗two ground communicate Shanghai peaceful more extensive, cooperation is close, make one’s rounds of festooned vehicle of section of the stay away from home that ran experience of theme of rich of world of dim light of night of ceremony of world rich sailing, be charmed jointly early or late, travel swims, destination of rose marriage ceremony is released wait for上海会所扫黄结束了吗 activity of many great travel. 2017, peaceful city welcomes Shanghai visitor 5 million person-time, 20% what occupy annual to recieve gross.