2018, performance of market of 73423 profiled bar is like person meaning very much, get a winter store resource is dispersive, together with demand releases callback of the price after causing Spring Festival red-letter day not in time, businessman loss is severe. 2 quarters are released in demand, overlay Jiangsu is severe it is good to investigate the benefit such as environmental protection drive, price shock goes up. Be up上海水磨干磨graded since May by trade controversial issue, derive taste market concussion aggravate. As the Qiu Dong on environmental protection policy season will be restricted to produce in September prohibit ” one knife is cut ” , be restricted to produce strength and anticipate have difference, exalted demand is fatigue上海全套按摩 2019d and weak, 10-11 month price drops considerably. The businessman expresses generally to order goods cost house does not fall high this year, amplitude slants first half of the year small, shock of prices of second half of the year is apparent. Forthcoming 2019, how will be city of stee上海gm吧l of 73423 profiled bar deduced again? The author will do brief reviewing to reach look into. One, 43310 large and medium-sized material: Concussion the four seasons spends price narrow cut to drop apparently graph 1: Whole nation of 50*5 angle iron all valence 2016-2018 year the price takes situation picture 2: 16# channel whole nation all valence 2016-2018 year the price takes situation picture 3: 25# I-steel whole nation all valence 2016-2018 year the price goes situation 2018 43310 large and medium-sized material concussion of narrow cut of before spot price 3 quarters, begin to glide apparently from October. Spot price did not continue to pound high point first half of the year 2018, not good of demand of be confined to and ma上海会所2018rket fear tall mood slanting to wait for an element more, sex of integral price rehabilitate moves first half of the year; Second half of the year suffers environmental protection to be restricted to produce wait for an influence, steel look forward to pushs cost of tall merchandise on hand to bring about spot price to follow again and a全套水磨上海私人桑拿会所spa和干磨的区别gain go up; And rise at the beginning of four quarters oneself, suffer exalted demand to prop up inadequacy, fund of together with market slants close, price of overlay raw material falls defeat considerably, the price begins bluff type to drop. It is with 5# angle iron exemple, end at present whole nation of 5# angle iron all valence 4122 yuan / ton, relatively price of the beginning of the year drops 340 yuan / ton; 16# channel whole nation all valence 4048 yuan / ton, drop 431 yuan / ton; 25# I-steel 4091 yuan / ton, relatively the beginning of the year drops 405 yuan / ton. 2, 146516H profiled bar: Price shock go青浦城区桑拿会所es up four quarters considera上海洗浴荤场推荐bly the cal上海龙风419桑拿论坛lback pursues 4: Whole nation of 2上海后花园00*100146516H profiled bar all valence 2016-2018 year the price takes situation picture 5: Whole nation of 300*300H profiled bar all valence 2016-2018 year the price takes situation picture 6: Whole nation of 588*300H profiled bar all valence 2016-2018 year the price goes situation shock of price of profiled bar of H of before 2018 3 quarters goes up, phenomenon of small norms shortage is frequent in together with of integral resource o上海水磨场子有哪些n the low side first half of the year, spot price is in perch; Four quarters perch is propped up not beautiful, terminal is purchased relatively careful, the weak for上海水磨会所1001上海水磨会所ce such as together with plank, strip steel moves, price of four quarters steel considerably callback. With day of whole nation of 200*100H profiled bar all valence is exemple, end at present the whole nation all valence is 3863 yuan / ton, relatively price of the beginning of the year drops 352 yuan / ton; 300*300 relatively price of the beginning of the year drops 114 yuan / ton; 588*300 relatively price of the beginning of the year drops 208 yuan / ton. On the whole, price of H profiled bar goes sign is a bit good at industry role chamfer. 3, exit is small increase the entrance is small to drop graph 7: 2016-2018 year the influence that profiled bar imports circumstance to 上海水磨拉丝got shock of narrow cut of price of domestic profiled bar 2018, domestic steelworks reduces rolled steel export price, below the condition that in home sale gain adds somewhat, steelworks to the entrance accept the order the quantity puts delay somewhat, profile exports a quantity to present small to increase, the entrance measures small descendent situation. Accumulative total of 1-10 month our country imported profile 2018 five hundred and seventeen thousand nine hundred tons, relatively the corresponding period is small l最近上海油压店都关门2019ast year decrease 8.86% ; Predict six hundred and sixty-eight thousand nine hundred tons to imported profile 2018, drop compared to the same period 12.21% . Graph 8: 2016-2018 year circumstance of profiled bar exit pu水磨石施工rsues 9: 2016-2018 year month of profiled bar 1-10 exported of circumstance of volume of profiled bar only export 2018 5