On March 8, 3 everybody report and consumptive electron exhibit the whole world one of Chinese home appliance and consumptive electron exposition, kick off in Shangh干磨和水磨的区别ai. As before, the innovation of manufacturer of mainstream home appliance on product and technology, become the vane that leads an industry development way once more, make the central point that just pays close attention to each. Go up as all previous AWE most suffer the home appliance brand that fix eyes upon, the newest product of 184135 washing machine also appears on TCL freezer as scheduled TCL exhibits a stage. With what differ before be, appear on those who exhibit a stage this, not only and newest TCL is avoided corrupt type platen 184135 washing machine and cross of frequency conversion of an organic whole product of 4 wind cold freezer, and no matter be brand concept or technology,innovate, close together around ” healthy life ” this one theme. TCL refrigerator washing machine exhibits assemble of stage relations with people to move advanced two days of spring that just end taste a news briefing newly to go up, TCL refrigerator washing machine just announced washing machine ” avoid corrupt + ” the wisdom with freezer is healthy ” wind is cold + ” product brand strategy upgrades. Appear on AWE this, TCL refrigerator washing machine is carr夜上海爱上海ier with product and technology, explain new strategy because of,move with the target — with user health the life is core, use setting and user experience through the product, the healthy life for family is quickened, the healthy life that is family raises temperature, achieve enjoy health ” ” speed. Healthy consumption already became breach of future of home appliance industry to wash aggravate of kind of competition of home appliance market as ice, each brand is searching new breach actively. In the new product that comes on stage on AWE, often representing brand offset to expend the judgement of the trend. And TCL with ” healthy 上海闸北指压按摩 2019上海哪有指压home ” give priority to a problem, will healthy home appliance rises to level of product brand strategy, washing machine of since TCL refrigerator ” deal with concrete matters relating to work innovates ” of product brand gene上海按摩飞机店 上海为何全部关闭指压按摩 reflect, the choice that also represented demand of the person that offset is expended has an insight into definitely. As the promotion of life character, the growth that the user consumes to the attention of healthy topic and health becomes the mainest consumption to upgrade trend. Mai Ken stannum consumed a trend to show 2017 in what announce at the beginning of Feburary, consumer compares the life style that pays attention to health more before. The data that the health in A publishs shows, healthy 2017 spending increases 54% compared to the same period, amplitude exceeds hairdressing consumption and dress consumption. Zhang Li of general manager of center of虹口上门spa sale of China of ministry of career of TCL white home appliance accepts the state-operated in interviewing ministry of career of TCL white home appliance to sell Zhang Li of central general manager to express: TCL refrigerator washing machine begins to pay close attention to ice to wash home appliance product before New Year from how the action上海419龙凤桑拿论坛 in healthy life, throw the innovation of relev上海松江spa养生馆ant technology and research and development actively. TCL was avoided 2016 corrupt type washing machine was initiated avoid corrupt the times that wash clothes, cold freezer of wind of frequency conversion of TCL an organic whole also introduced the material that f上海龙凤论坛 shlf1314ight bacterium to pledge He Zhihui elimina上海贵族宝贝自荐区tes bacterium t上海会所echnique now. Washing machine of prospective TCL refrigerator will devote oneself to those who drive healthy home appliance to gain ground, contented consumer goes after healthy life place to need, the health that leads home appliance the industry upgrades. Health becomes TCL ice to wash washing machine of refrigerator of TCL of new strategy theme this product brand strategy upgrades, the whole line that core consists driving healthy ice to wash a product gains ground. In avoid corrupt respect of type washing machine, avoid completely as the industry corrupt t上海油压419论坛he TCL washing machine of systematic solution founder, will ” avoid completely corrupt ” upgrade上海红绳桑拿水磨 in the round for ” avoid corrupt + ” the strategy — business of the channel below Chinese division line took the lead in realizing entire product line to avoid 2018 corrupt, advance with all one’s strength avoid corrupt type shares washing machine to walk into campus, care student is healthy, avoid at stopping to be not inside this year corrupt the research and development of product of type washing machine is devoted, stop manufacturing blame to avoid to 2020 corrupt type washing machine, offer for more user avoid corrupt the health that type washing machine brings is caressed, make for the user of 100% avoid completely corrupt healthy catharsis is caressed. TCL is avoided corrupt structure of type impeller washing machine tears open solution TCL freezer to put forward wisdom health ” wind is cold + ” product brand strategy — 北京桑拿会所体验the AAT wisdom with TCL freezer particular 2018 place divides bacterium system to will taste a product newly to gain ground in 上海桑拿会所招聘技师the round in 25夜上海论坛0L above, all taste newly 100% carry the door that fight bacterium