In site of the meeting that score gain, view discovery of news Knews reporter, many one belt all the way the medi上海龙风419桑拿论坛um and small businesses of country of along the line, it is to pass Shanghai to fasten central pull wires to build the brid上海虹口桑拿会所ge from country of trade test division, the business was made 上海洗浴中心全套浦东in China. Come from the vintner Pang Xi that Geduoba saves a the seat of a monarchical government abstruse it is namely below the he上海虹口世纪桑拿会所价格lp that the country fastens a center yuan into Bo Meng. Pang Xi abstruse it is Argentine northwest ministry the exporter alliance general manager 松江新城 桑拿会所that 5 wine place of business comprises, these days he is exhibited smally in this on ask associate with guest to sample produce the downy wine from 上海水磨休闲会所Argentina, busy extremely, also got acquainted with many importer, concluded many trades. Pang Xi abstruse say oneself last year come as the person that look around, discover in the meeting that score gain Chinese win上海闵行区水磨地方e market is very big, because this is determined,must come this year. Below the help that fastens a center from country of trade test division in Shanghai, pang Xi abstruse red wine of the first ark transferred Shanghai very quickly. The country fastens a center to be上海宜山路spa coordinated again later exhibit the ginseng such as the stage to exhibit item, f上海水磨会所全套体验acilitate with all one’s strength he attends the 2nd meeting that score gain. Wine of the Gao Qiao outside using kind reveal trade big data of the center, what to tell it to wine suits Chinese consumer to use. Nowadays the Pang Xi of 上海按摩spa静安do in Rome as Rome does abstruse also filed small letter, added many Chinese friends, he still plans to offer a company in Shanghai, develop for a long time in China. In fac上海水磨会所体验记t, biagenting is early the red wine of case Lu Jiya that one pace enters Chinese market, before certain already nowadays room imports wine country sales volume 10! And the red wine of 15 wine place of business is in Azerbaijan Shanghai i上海外卖工作室水磨s garrisoned after fi上海水磨论坛 localhostrst meeting that score gain from trade division, a year short time, already developed an agent in ten cities. Up to now, shanghai fastens a center to had introduced a variety of 10 thousand abroad goods from country of上海现在干磨店 trade test division, fixed posit上海不正规按摩店推荐ion is taken all the way the entrance door that medium and small businesses of nation of along the line opened to enter Chinese market!