The collect of 63 million dollar endowment, this one word is not the outcome with bovine most good report it seems that. Nevertheless, torpid two years and continuously of deficit bovine report science and technology, the ding that is the Sidake that use offer at long last proclaimed oneself new regression. Article Piao Zu松江区夜场哪家好n An edits | Time of Beijing of character of the Qin Dynasty is late on October 19, bovine report science a上海水磨会所全套qq群nd technology logs onto Nasidake formally. Release price 9 dollars, open quotation price 8.5 dollars, market prise reached 686 million dollar. In global stock market low below confused big environment, “Bleed ” appearing on the market already was helpless the action that must complete however. The book of raise capital by floating shares that p上海闵行按摩ublishs first according to bo嘉定新开的水疗vine report shows, begin predict to be collect endo上海2019最新干磨店wment 150 million dollar, book of raise capital by floating shares is revised to reduce collect endowment standard to come after 119 m全国龙凤信息论坛illion dollar. Nevertheless, report of the cattle after ringing a bell虹口上门spa formally issues valence to be reduced once more to 9 dollars, issue 7 million ADS in all, collect total amount 63 million dollar. This one result, the 150 million dollar with photograph original comparing collect endowment goal is immediate cutting sb in two at the waist. And bovine report nots hesitate the backside that shrink of collect capital specified number also wants market of brash entry capital, or come from to future not self-confidence and 上海干磨交流the heavy pressure that the deficit that enlarges increasingly brings. From the raise capital by floating shares of IPO money the book can see, bovine report science and technology realized net income first half of the year 2018 557 million yuan, grow 95.44% compared to the same period. But meanwhile deficit also is expanding ceaselessly, only deficit achieves 315 million yuan first half of the year, had gone more than year of annua上海419龙凤桑拿论坛l 185 million yuan deficit specified number. In the meantime, whole nowadays 2 class market is encountered cold, the difficulty that wants to obtain outside financing also is increasing. Of bovine report last time financing even restrospect to in January 2017, t上海夜晚男人哪里好玩he specific financing amount at that time was not announced external. To the ox report still is in what burn cash position badly to do poineering w上海水磨桑上海夜场排名第一拿会所论坛ork so the company, doing not have blood transfusion for long is breakneck. Accordingly, this not hesitate reduce highest collect capital (report of the cattle before this plans it is reported collect 150 million dollar, instead is repaired after 119 million dollar) , also be imperative. After all, to t上海推油还有开的吗he bovine report of aspire rally, taking money as soon as possible is the most dependable. Want to do the tesla of electric bicycle market? China is the dynamoelectric b上海水磨会所交友论坛i上海指压按摩哪家好 上海飞机按摩论坛cycle market with the biggest whole world, the price is low and the dynamoelectric bicycle with durable sturdy is a travel tool with main public. According to