A Turkey IT analyst of 21 years old inbreaked through hacker method apple (219.31, 3.29, the system of 1.52%) company, if if do not compensate him,browbeating malic company the detailed information of 319 million user sells go ou上海嘉定喜来登spat. This analyst also is the author of Vasinity of perpendicular digital media at the上海乌克兰外菜会所 same time. This black the an夜无忧全国兼职女论坛alyst that enters malic system is called Kerem Albayrak. He gave out this one menace in video of a paragraph of Youtube yesterday, and still used the account of malic Icloud user in video. This person already was in British London at present Weisimi上海宝山 男子spansite juridical court be on 上海后花园论坛首页trial be on trial. Kerem Albayrak is made next blackmailing by accusation blame and hijack computer to disturb malic system moves without accredit. Before上海休闲会所全套 上海全套会所 him besides ask for 174 thousand dollar beyond, still ask to call in again after receiving coupon of 1100 pieces of ITunes 上海闵行高级私家水磨minatory. Nevertheless, he has not admit his guilt with respect to these 上海完美休闲kbaccusation, also did not reject these accusation at the same time. Th杨浦区荤桑拿e hacker of the near future atttacks case increase sharply, the victim in these cases is to add close money exchange mostly. However from at present development of this kind of a got-up affair looks, can become without a kind of any systems it seems that ” refuge ” . Police is some earlier moment ever was上海闵行交大附近全套水磨 warned sa上海小费3000夜总会y, the hacker can hijack the file on c闵行南美水疗 760ertain user computer through宝山区男士spa会所 blackmailing software, ask these users pay ransom the file with exchanging them next. In addition, police still warns an user not to pay to blackmail their hacker to those. Because at present上海桑拿论坛 most hacker asks to pay bit money to serve as ransom, this one trend also became the issue that adds close money community to pay松江绿岛国际水疗 close attention to very much, because this trend lets,add close money to be in adverse position. Now already accusation weighs somebody, add close money to basically be used by the criminal have guilty activity.