Zhuang Xiaoshan, Han Lieguang / Nanhai net on June 11, nanhai network reporter learns from safeguard of housing of city of hill of the five fingers 上海乌克兰外菜and house property management board, a few days ago, blessing of hill of the five fingers installs estate to develop limited company, the five fingers course of study of Shan Xiangrui爱上海同城论坛新地址 buy limited company and Hainan are numerous the course of study that prevail place because limited company is violated compasses be restricted to buy the deed such as policy, will obtain of short duration to cancel an autograph to put on record qualification or prohibit pursueing estate intermediary business in city of hill of the five fingers. It is reported, limited com上海后花园1314最新 cfdfbeijingpany of development of Shan Fuan estate is in the five fingers to did not obtain circumstance of licence of sale showing a house to fall, violate compasses commend acting company (Hainan room starts buy line of business limited company) sale building, cause abominable effect. Basis ” commodity house sale runs way ” ” the announcement about stabilizing estate further ” wait for legal laws and regulations to concern a provision, this bureau cancels of short duration blessing of hill of the five fingers to install estate to develop autograph of limited company net to put on record qualification. In addition, basis ” estate broker runs way ” ” the announcement that works about making market of very stable estate ” ” the announcement about stabilizing estate further ” wait for legal laws and regulations to concern松江开元名都大酒店spa a provision, limited company passes course of study of buy of auspicious sign of hill of the five fingers to declare individual income tax phonily to be not our company personnel, assist avoid of 121 people that buy a house to be restricted to buy policy to buy housing in Hainan province, cause abominable effect. The member that in view of course of study of buy of auspicious sign of hill of the five fingers limited company did not have intermediary orgnaization and agent in city of hill of the five fingers puts on record, the sun that allots from this bulletin 水磨拉丝怎么玩rises, this bureau will no上海会所sap招聘技师t conduct course of study of buy of auspicious sign of hill of the five fingers the intermediary orgnaization of limited company and its staff member and broker personnel put on record, prohibit course of study of buy of au上海悦榕庄spa多少钱spi上海闵行上门按摩spacious sign of hill of the five fingers limited company pursues estate intermediary business in city of hill of the five fingers. Additional, basis ” estate broker runs way ” ” the announcement that works about making market of very stable estate ” ” the announcement about stabilizing estate further ” wait for legal laws and regulations to concern a provision, hainan is numerous limited company violates the course of study that prevail place compasses be restricted to buy policy, the building that does not accord with the person that buy a house to sell its representative sells blessing of city of hill of the five fingers to install estate to develop limited company to 121 dish (上海现在哪里有油压 blessing brings a large building) , cause abominable effect. In view of Hainan limited company was not in the numerous course of study that prevail pla上海桑拿419 上海桑拿会所美女服务ce the member that city of hill of the five fingers has intermediary orgnaization and agent puts on record, the sun that allots from this bulletin rises, this bureau will not deal with Hainan the intermediary orgnaization of limited company and its staff member reachs the numerous industry that prevail place broker personnel puts on record, prohibit Hainan is numerous the course of study that prevail place is finite fair