Dispatch of sina finance and economics on March 1 message, outstanding achievement is added fast anticipate not as good as, boss electric equipment already traded twice con夜无忧全国兼职女论坛tinuously day drops stop. Yesterday closing quotation, share price of boss electric equipment signs up 上海贵族宝贝网址 上海贵族宝贝高端for 40.67 yuan, drop to death stop board. Boss electric equipment achieved share price lowest on November 12, 2011, 2.79 yuan are after answer authority, to share price achieved 54.5 yuan on January 15, 2018 highest, share price goes up 18.53 times. Net added boss electric equipment 2017 fast achieve since appearing on the market new low on Feburary 26 evening, boss electric equipment issues outstanding achievement wall bulletin, the company realized business income 2017 6.999 billion yuan, grow 20.78% compared to the same period, realize business gain 1.616 billion yuan, grow 21.11% compared to the same period, the net gain that realizes vest in parent company 1.45 billion yuan, grow 20.18% compared to the same奉贤南桥spa女士会所 period. In the meantime, the company predicts to 宝山区男士spa上海油压干磨足浴论坛会所put in parent net profit ‘s charge to be 277 million yuan first quarter 2018 – 327 million yuan, grow 10%-30% compared to the same period. Notable is, boss electric equipment came 2012 between 2016 year business gross income compared to the same period increase rate all prep above 25% , it is respectively 27.96% , 35.21% , 35.24% , 26.58% , 27.56% , battalion of boss electric equipment closed to grow 20.78% compared to the same period上海荤场吧 2017, amount to year come first under 25% . Although profit of net of boss electric equipment still maintains growth, but its the net 2017 is added fast only two is become, achieve went out since four quarters appeared on the market this 2010, net is added fast new low, the market before failing to exceed this anticipates. In addition, growth of net of boss electric equipment c上海水磨工作室hased season to glide 2017, end net growth is highest first quarter, amount to 54.28% , half annals grows 41.37% , 3 quarters drop to 36.95% , and annual outstanding achievement grows 20% only. The net of electric equipment of four quarters boss was added last year fast not only annulus comparing drops considerably, compared to the same period four quarters also dropped 2016 3% . Certificate business grinds during summit of share price of boss electric equipment the newspaper is sung maintain more ” buy ” during the proposal was summit of share price of boss electric equipment January this year, negotiable securities of trade of short for Zhejiang Province, wide hair negotiable securities, plain money negotiable securities, day wind negotiable securities, group the certificate business such as beneficial negotiable securities, money negotiable securities is released grind the newspaper is sung much, maintain ” buy ” proposal. Negotiable securities of wide on January 12 hair grinds newspaper: In future low end market share hopeful promotes continuously on January 12, wide hair negotiable securiti上海闵行区水磨会所电话es releases ” boss electric equipment: Layer upon layer drive is enough, in beginning to send force low end ” grind newspaper. Grind the newspaper expresses, 上海水磨干磨会所 上海闵行干磨店一览表announcement of boss electric equipment plans to be added to electric equipment of wholy-owned subsidiary fame endowment, increase capital proposal this layer upon layer bind an interest, incentive and sufficient, in the meantime, reflect boss electric equipment adequately to begin to borrow by ” fame ” in trademark hair force low end the determi嘉定莱琪spana上海 油压 龙凤论坛tion of the market. Predicting 2017-2019 year net profit is 16.2/20.6/25.3 respectively 100 million yuan, grow 34%/27%/23% respectively compared to the same 上海宝山水磨会所全套period. The company regards hutch report as bibcock, force of brand, channel is powerful, we value a company to depend on ” fame “嘉定韩帝spa价目表 brand, be in in low end the development of the market, the market share hopeful of company future promotes continuously, predicting future outstanding achievement will maintain fast growth, present price is corresponding 2018 23.1xPE, maintain ” buy ” grade. Day wind negotiable securities ground on Januar杨浦区男士spay 15 newspaper: Employee holds a plan to reveal of long-term growth hope on January 15, day wind negotiable securities releases ” bos上海油压非正规哪里有s electric equipment: Add endowment fame marchs 34 class market, employee is held show confidence ” grind newspaper. Grind the newspaper points out, bencizeng endowment reflect a company to begin to send force child brand name electric equipment, and company to developing the determination that the market carries in 34 lines. At present fame income holds company gross earnings only 3% the left and right sides, as the company the attention to fame, harmonious in-house resource and 34 lines market rise, income scale will expand continuously, or hopeful attains scale of income of 1 billion the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor inside 3 years. This second hold a plan to involve employee range capacious