Today early morning 5:28, 88444 goddess in the moon telecommunication satellite of 4 232254 relay — ” 135523 magpie bridge ” in Xi Changwei the star launchs a center to enter the space. “135523 magpie 杨浦区荤场ktvbridge ” belong to telecommunication sat上海约会归来验证ellite, also can be called ” satellitic上海419龙凤桑拿论坛 satellite ” , can mix in moon the reverse side laid is g宝山上影spa厅是什么ood between the earth measure the information bridge that accuses communication. “Magpie bridge ” the detailed circumstance that enter the space, will listen east the report that clean of Meng Cheng of wide上海推油按摩价格表 special correpondent comes to from spot hair this morning: the 88444 goddess in the moon that this year the end of the year launchs 4, the Aitken that plans to 上海高端水磨会所电话descend around moon antarctic basin, realize human history to go up to be mixed to the touchdown of moon the reverse side first pe水磨拉丝按摩是什么rambulatory explore, at the appointed time, the information between it and earth is transmitted, should lean ” magpie bridge ” had become 2 spread a hand, concerned goddess in the moon goes straight towards more content of the month, continue to hear the reporter’s story: Scientists explain, the universe is in the period of time after big burst is darkness, because there is neuter hydrogen only in the universe阿拉爱上海fl其他, the generation star of glow has not been formedai010阿拉爱上海, this paragraph of time that arrives a few years from hundred thousands of2018上海ktv荤场 years is called of the universe ” gloomy age ” . But ” dark universe is not to did not stay ” clues ” , the electron that rotates around hydrogenous atom is met now and then commutation its direction of rotation, the electromagnetic wave of radiation 1.4GHz. Those who pass many years of 130 universe expand, this frequency arose red move, reduce 30MHz the following. Want to measure this ” clues ” , best method arrives namely the moon is rear, in special ” quiet ” go in electromagnetism environment ” listen attentively to ” . One of difficulty of 4 tasks are in goddess in the moon to be at the mankind on the earth cannot correspond directly with moon the reverse side. Intermediary points out outside, use relay telecommunication satellite to realize the earth and the communication with rear moon, it is the Chinese’s pioneering work. As we have learned, there once also上海水磨是怎么个流程 had been the tentative idea of this respect i上海闵阿拉爱上海aishedis行维也纳水磨会所n American Apollo plan, but fail to come true greatly be上海ktv荤场一览cause of techn魔都桑拿论坛ical difficulty, magpie bridge is developed and launch a success just about, for goddess in the moon 4 unplug so that the head prepares, level road. So, does magpie bridge relay is the satellite going straight towards lunar process what to challenge will face this? Continue to listen to the reporter’s introduction: