Be in 5 years of in the past, the search quantity difference between Chinese brand and international brand is narrow already 29% , chinese brand force increases significantly. Its biggest impetus, because a lot of Chinese brand development are carried out ” one belt all the way ” proposal, 37530 enterprises of Chinese and brand bear remove the historical mission of new era. On Feburary 6, 2018 ” BrandZ China goes to sea brand 10 strong ” report and sheet of a list of names posted up give heat. This is WPP releases China the 2nd times to go to sea with Google cooperation brand pop chart. 229280 seas letter continues to reside the first echelon formation firmly, row the 9th. With compared the promotion extent of 10% last year, still let 229280 seas believe () obtain judge ” grow brand of the fastest home appliance ” 黄浦区水磨休闲会所. Travel amount to occupies the consumer that this survey result joined abroad key market, and the visit data of more than 395000 consumer reachs. Can say, ground of odd full and accurate of this a list of names posted up mirrorred Chinese brand overseas to develop actual state. It 爱上海同城对对碰阿拉is before a month, bureau of Chinese foreign language is released ” whole world of Chinese country figure is investigated (2016, 2017) ” . Sea letter makes before abroad people’s most familiar rank 10 China brand 3 years continuously. According to this one investigation, sea letter is in all China brand, row the 7th, promote two seating arrangem奉贤南桥spaent than in former years. Sheet of two a list of na上海松江性桑拿mes posted up comes from different issuance orgnaization, statistical kind is different also, but happen to coincide the ground reflected a trend — sea letter gives naval group as China of the first ec上海龙凤419桑拿论坛helon formation hard 1963 actual strength are beyond question, and the promotion of seating arrangement means it to still will release larger force next. Selling data is brand effect is the most intuitionistic reflect. Newest statistical data shows, b上海会所微信2018elow the circumstance that did not change apparently in market demand, the sea believes th黄浦区spa会所e rapid growth that maintaining two digit. The sea believed group gross income to grow 10.7% 2017, 上海1314龙凤千花 上海千花手机版abroad income grows 21.3% compared to the same period; Meanwhile, according to customs data, sea letter TV and forehead of exit of air conditioning product parted to grow compared to the same period 2017 28.3% with 34.4% . The international market lasts fast growth, the brand that is sea letter is driven tensily. Instantly, as ” one belt all the way ” strategic propulsion, layout of more 37530 enterprises seek are abroad the m上海嘉定spaarket. The sea believes these forerunner go to sea experience has example sense quite. No less than reports place is written, the valence watch of these pop chart depends on guiding people development to have an insight into if why Chinese company builds a brand successfully inside global limits. So, what is the recipe th2019最新上海419龙凤at the sea believes? > > seek move after that surely as China first ” go ” one of enterprises, sea letter put forward 2006 ” sea letter future develops ‘ big head overseas ‘ ” the strategy. With a lot of go to sea the enterprise is adopted ” OEM generation is versed in ” or the way that the product exports develops an international market to differ, sea letter chose to make the way of own brand at the beginning. Although this roa阿拉爱上海对对碰d is meant,want to leave greater time, spend more time. The fact proves, only start shooting has a brand oneself, ability has bigger market own a90分钟莞式水磨视频dvantageous position and ability of brand excessive price. Since 2007, own brand sales revenue grew 22 outside Hai Xinhai times, own brand is occupied had compared half. 2016, the income outside Hai Xinhai 3.19 billion dollar, the income of own brand is occupied than 52.1% , reach 1.65 billion dollar. The layout that the sea believes market of own brand o上海水磨会所论坛推荐verseas already saw effect first. Current, the sea is believed already overseas is built 18 branches carry out mainland to change manage, cover Europe, America, Africa上海油压干磨足浴论坛, middle east and market of southeast Asia and other places, can according to local market condition accurate and decision-making; Build 3 production base carries out area to change production to ensure mainland supplies chain. The process is here medium, sea letter holds to the credo that enters any market and field of any product industry not blindly from beginning to end. Before developing ever上海419龙凤会所y market, can undertake sufficient market survey, demand of the politics that knows place, economy and culture environment, market and consumption are used to, develop certainly accordingly