Core clew上海后花园千花网: Columbus square business is encircled, an Yijia encloseds ground for growing trees two rooms area 87.5 square metre, south two rooms 上海外菜会所face, sitting room hutch defends day north. Be in floor 5/6 building, daylighting is good, multilayer the rate that get a house is high. This room is located in a上海杨浦区旺角桑拿 village to take door place, school of speak or sing alternately is elementary school of extensive increase experiment, suit to ask to learning an area not much just needed a group of things with common features. Total prices 920 thousand, contain furniture home appliance. This上海大桶大竟然飞机 room but business lends group of Columbus square trade, an Yijia encloseds groun上海后花园1314凤楼论坛d for growing trees two rooms area 87.5 square metre, south two rooms face, sitting room hutch defends day north. Be in floor 5/6 building, daylighting is good, multilayer the rate that get a house is high. This room is located in a village to take door place, school of speak or sing alternately is elementary school of extensive increase experiment, suit to ask to learning an area not much just needed a group of things with common features. Total prices 920 thousand, contain furniture home appliance, do not contain gold of land sell one’s own things. This room but business is borrowed, in order to buy a house person head flatlet, borrow money first for exemple, with head Fu Sichen上海洋马价格多少g calculates, loan of this flatlet business is highest can borrow five hundred and seventy-seven thousand five hundred model center is located in An Yijia of picture 上海还有油压店吗division bitmap wide south road and Xin Mingxi road are handed in collect place闵行莘庄spa, the village has bridge brook nursery school, golden division the New World-the Americas, Jinkedong is on the village such as village of Fang Wangxie, Sang Dayuan, on Columbus of around extensive increase, beijing east the form a complete set such as square is rich, periphery has hospita2019上海KB哪里还有l of stannic hill people, Chong An hospital, medical treatment natural resources is sufficient, be apart from the subway station of subway of 2 lines extensive increase is not far, public transportation 75, 13, 112, the fluent of 80 many public transportation course such as the road do not have stannum each area, the main force such as 上海高端丝袜高跟会所extensive increase way, fast core extend in all directions, communication is very easy. See a room 24 hours serve上海足浴桑拿会所推荐! Brand of group of the Zhongshan t宝山桑拿水磨hat do not have stannum accuse, safety has safeguard! See a room but house property of house property of nearby connection Zhongshan, 94023e room net, suitable gallop inn of door of house property of praedial, people! Room source number: TYL1D0000013 does not have more of encyclopedia of address of in长宁推油新店n of door of house property of net of inn of door of stannic Zhongshan house property, 94023e room source of high-quality goods room clicks please: Fine wi莞式iso水磨桑拿休闲会所thout stannum house is recommended – without stannum true Fang Yuanpin follows below the path small arrange the in-house condition上海指压飞机店2019 that treats a building, high-definition big picture will raid exterior of toilet of kitchen of B of bedroom of B of bedroom of A of bedroom of A of bedroom of sitting room of ↓↓↓ sitting room