(1 edition is re上海水磨干磨桑拿会所ceived on) specific, motive of state-owned company dilate drops somewhat, investment of civilian battalion business is more vigorous still. First half of the year, state-owned company buys the cash reserve in a bank that builds long-term capital fund and charge of research and development to pay to increase respectively only compared to the same period 4% with 18% . Compare to it, civ杨浦区附近桑拿和汗蒸ilian上海龙风419桑拿论坛 battalion enterprise buys the cash reserve in a bank that builds long-term capital fund and charge of research and development to pay to all increase considerably compared to the same period, amplitude is respectively 38% with 33% . In periodic industry, the qualitative actor company in the industry such as oil, coloured and chemical industry presents certain and outspread state, buy the cash reserve in a bank that builds long-term capital fund a汶川水磨古镇水磨庄园nd charge of research and development to pay to increase somewhat compared to the same period. In the meantime, the industry such as steely, coal suffers go producing can policy impact, investment behavior shows discretion slightly, only a growth of digit. Additional, partial electric power, light gas, traffic to carry those who wait for common cause industry to appear on the market company investment glides somewhat. Benefit of supply side reform and line of business of company subsidiary bank swims to look in going up, sex of structure of side of supply of upriver industry benefit from benefit from is reformed, outstanding achievement is relatively outstanding. For example, oil industry, nonferrous metal industry realizes net profit respectively first half of the year 69.6 billion yuan, 8.8舟山普陀上门spa电话 billion yuan, compared to the same period amplitude all is 75% . Nevertheless, suffer the element effect such as coal report linkage, profit of coal industry net profit 46 billion yuan, increase only compared to t上海会所不准不开心首页he same period 4% . In middle r松江瑛皇是荤场吗eaches industry, the development that reforms as sex of supply side structure is advanced, environme上海油压店2019ntal protection tie increases, moving standard, technology appears on the market advancedly company competition advantage is highlighted, net profit adds fast expression to highlight. Chemical industry realizes net profit 27.2 billion yuan, increase compared to the same period 63% ; Steely industry realizes net profit 29.6 billion yuan, increase compared to the same period 134% . Outstanding achievement of downstream industry business appears to split up certainly. If medical manufacturi上海哪个按摩店不太正规ng industry realizes net gain 23.9 billion yuan, grow 22% compared to the same period, be the same as Shanghai city substance basically kind enterprise amplitude comparatives. But the amplitude of partial industry somewhat not as good as. Like automobile manufacturing industry, home appliance wholesale and course of study, retail wait for industry profi上海桑拿论坛419最新版t compared to the same period amplitude is respectively 16% , 14% with 4% , un上海南美水疗多少钱der entity kind the whole of 25% grows the business level. Look from data, price of upriver industry raw material rises in, consumptive demand dilate anticipates not as good as, the growth that consumes an industry greatly downstream was affected on certain level. Nevertheless, shanghai city a batch advanced make, innovation of science and technology, burgeoning service and consumptive company performance are outstanding, outstanding achievement is added fast exceed level of hypostatic enterprise whole. For example, special equipment manufacturing industr上海龙凤419桑拿论坛y realizes net profit 9.5 billion yuan, increase compared to the same period 58% ; Information is transmitted, software and profit of net of implementation of IT service line of business 10 billion yuan, increase compared to the same period 25% ; Rent and line o上海ktv荤场一览f business of business affairs service realizes net profit 8.3 billion yuan, increase compared to the same period 36% . Go producing can key industry falls apparently lever is hypostatic first half of the year the asset of the enterprise is indebted the level also is a respect that gets attention fully, data shows, indebted rate adds the state-owend enterprise fast summary prep above civilian look forward to. First half of the year, asset of whole of hypostatic industry company is indebted rate by 61.24% rise to 61.84% , increase 0.6 percent slightly, keep basically smooth. State-owned company assets is indebted rate by last year of the end of the year 61.6% rise 0.62 percent come 62.22% , t上海哪个洗浴能大活he asset of enterprise of battalion of civilian of the corresponding period is indebted rate by 60% growth 0.53 percent come 60.53% , state-owned company assets is indebted of rate add fast summary prep above civilian battalion enterprise. In kinds of big industry, go producing can key industry goes actively lever effect is apparent, present outstanding 静安区美spa馆achievement to grow faster, asset to be in debt the characteristic that leads constant be issued to lower levels. Steely, coal, oil and natural gas exploitation, nonferrous metal, chemical is made wait for a tradition to produce can the industry grows in outstanding achievement while, asset indebted rate fell respectively 0.81, 0.36, 0.24, 0.05 with 1.49 percent. In other industry, software and IT serve industry, the computer, communication and manufacturing industry of other electron equipment, the industry assets such as railroad, shipping, aerospace and manufacturing industry of other facility for transporting is indebted rate drop faster, respectively relatively the end of the year fell last year