? Shen Bo of thud net au上海高级水磨休闲会所thor: The brand is concept of a kind of community, polymerization is in th上海狼族藏凤阁1314e person of this community, have certain and same interest, the上海90分钟全套包括啥 person that drew this part photograph to be the same as tone sex, formed a brand naturally. ? Love amounts to Jiang Hua of happy general manager: The brand that the youth likes, it is vogue, interesting certainly, can reveal the youth’s personality, match with their cognitive photograph. ? Gan Xuemei of assistant president of limited company of food of 100 flavour fast: The forward position that the advantage of young group depends on pair of brands is very se上海青浦休闲会所全套nsitive. It is with the packing design of food exemple, the design feeling of young group is met deflection is pure and fresh, lively. Nowadays, 90, 00 hind wait for young group to become consumptive main force increasingly. No matter be burgeoning Internet enterprise, traditional still food creates a company, “The brand is young change ” it is cannot an evasive topic. How is the brand communicated with young customer, gain the youth’s favour. To this, these trade public figures a上海金山按摩大保健哪里有?lso shared a result. The brand that makes a youth wants youth of press close to ” tone sex ” Shen Bo of author of thud net thinks, the brand is concept of a kind of community, polymerization is in the person of this community, have certain and same interest. Say exactly, more resembling is a kind ” economy of vermicelli made from bean starch ” , of the product distin上海浦东新区桑拿网ctive ” tone sex ” , the person that drew this part photograph to be the same as tone sex, formed a brand naturally. The 上海ktv荤场服务项目characteristic of economy of vermicelli made from bean starch lets an user have namely share feeling, interactive feeling. He is mentioned, company of a lot of large science and technology, do from vermicelli made from bean starch, community at first. The product is good, let this part user experience first, be in next company group in changing operation course, escalate gets numerous group. After rising when crowd polymerization, be about to disentomb next what does this kind of person need, go creating the product with corresponding development again. Want to make a product that is aimed at a youth technically, having toing understand a youth to love what, u水磨拉丝服务真实体验se setting first is what, contented their what demand, analysed a characteristic, just know they value what respect. “So you should understand a youth, ability makes the product that the youth likes. A lot of brands broke away from this to think now. ” Shen Bo says. It is the brand that faces young group likewise, zhou Haitao of senior vice president of fruit small beauty thinks, the brand should attract a youth, core depends on ” innovation ” , oneself core product i上海徐汇云睿酒店 spas made in perpendicular domain. Blend in plain flavour bake brand reveals of youth individual character ” old before, ‘ bake food ‘ still be an exotic. As the change that people food is used to, als上海宝山水磨会所全套 上海水磨会所全套流程o more and more get domestic cons青浦区水疗umer, especially of the youth love. ” general manager Jiang Hua says Aidale. Look in him, the brand that the youth likes, it is vogue, interesting certainly, can reveal the youth’s personality, match with their cognitive photograph. And 嘉定附近哪有不正规的按摩should attract youth of more this locality to love, the product should satisfy their taste preference already, want again at the same time vogue, delicate, healthy, delicate. “To Sichuan person, what love most still is home town flavour. ” then, he thinks of to blend in plain flavour in bake, innovation rolled out zhongzi of pot-stewed fowl of green Chinese prickly ash, and hemp hot stuffing expects ” plain cake ” , ” plain group ” etc. He thinks, prospective youth is met more and more deflection is changed at be being fed gently, come ou上海油压干磨足浴论坛t plain dish characteristic with bake form expression, accord with consumptive habit of the youth already, also can culture of inheritance plain dish and spirit. 90 hind the group is gotten army Gan Xuemei of assistant president of limited company of food of 100 flavour fast says youth of need of young brand operation, plain dish is active in countryw上海蓝月亮kbide market performance in recent years, also drove plain inside the rapid development of dressing enterprise. But traditional dressing or meal enterprise, as time elapse, group and brand impression are met incline to at aged, also mor爱上海419龙凤后花园e and more the requirement that satisfies young customer hard. Be aimed at this kind of circumstance, the food brand with new position is one of outlets probably. “Want to draw outstanding young talented person especially, undertake to the product of the company, brand a few are transformed upgrade.