Data chart: King of mobile phone game person honorable. (Graph article has nothing to do) Li Hui of reporter of China News Service is thought of photograph recently, have media coverage, academy of American country sanitation (a research that NIH) is having shows, spend use intelligence product to employ the children of electronic game again, cerebral ministry ” grain ” appeared to change. Data shows, use product of th上海工作室是仙人跳吗is kind of electron more than 7 hours everyday 9 to 10 years old of children, pallium has the sign that attenuates prematurely. Pallium is cerebrum most outside coriaceous, be in charge of handling organic information. According to carrying out the doctor of this research path forest says: “We do not know whether this follows staring at screen time relevant, also do not decide whether this is an evildoing. ” message, a lot of parents do not sit. “Know to staring at electronic product screen for a long time only bad to eyesight, did not think of to still can affect the growth of cerebrum, is this true after all? ” friend of a parent says. Really, hear this news, many people want to know, whether does this research conclusion hold water, the electronic product influence to the上海水磨会所价格一般多少 child after all how, how should gu阿拉爱上海同城对对碰论坛ide them to be far from again, avoid game to become addiction? Because one fruit cannot judge ,a lot of businesses are much ” about using product of electronic science an会所干磨和水磨的区别0d technology for a long time, include to watch screen too long the research of a case of a physically strong patient running a high fever or suffering from such disorders as stasis of bl上海按摩水磨会所预约ood that produces certain effect to the pallium, psychology physiology that reachs a person, had done a lot of years in abroad. But the research of a case of a physically strong patient running a high fever or suffering from such disorders as stasis of blood that is a few cases only, still do n阿拉爱上海会员验证交流 wtb021ot have unified final conclusion in the world at present. Accordingly, I think to return nonexistent a general and applicable scientific sex problem. ” on December 18, when Zhang Haibo of research center director is accepting reporter of daily of science and上海模特上门预约哪里有全套 technology to interview, education of accomplishment of agency of children of association of Chinese teenage palace says. Zhang Haibo expresses, a lot of research that do now are the research of a kind of dependency, but because of,a lot of businesses are much one fruit, indemonstrable among them inevitability. At present a few research make clear, read like what a few fragments on the network change, the likelihood is formed especially to the child better reading writing to be used to is to have certain effect. At this point problem, psychology of Chinese people university fastens professor Lei Li to also express, look from the design of research, still cannot judge play the mobile phone effect to cerebrum structure. Go up somehow tell, play mobile phone and cerebral ministry difference 上海荤场ktv的玩法介绍to have certain dependency, but it is the effect that plays a mobile phone to written guarantee to cerebral ministry co奉贤南桥上门spanstruction is become after all, still say cerebrum itself structure is different. Before this need uses a mobile phone, be opposite the cerebrum structure of experimental crowd unde2019上海龙凤rtakes determining, next every other period of time, if a year of 3 months, half an year, reentry is tracked all right, see pallium can produc杨浦区哪里有桑拿e what kind of change after all. “But it is very difficult that the fact goes out to drill to rise, on one hand the mobile phone has gained ground very much, additionally every business that each body does with the m嘉定美豪丽致spa小姐obile phone also is different, if some students use a mobile phone to examine a data, also have play game, watch video, this is limitted very hard after all with the mobile phone influence to cerebrum structure how. ” Lei Li says. In afore-mentioned research, the result still shows, staring at screen to exceed the two children of the hour everyday, language and inferential exam perform上海便宜的全套会所ance are poorer. To this, china standardizes academy researcher Zhang Yungong to think, conclusion of this kind of research is possible, but correct, still need control of the experimental design according to them, experiment and data processing whether scientific standard will decide. Basis before the research achievement of a few scientists, pallium attenuates to mean study ability possibly to drop, if attention issues demote, drop to still need to come through the experiment as to what provide experience to bring about what respect test and verify. See ability of上海高端水磨会所 electronic screen acknowledge for a long time suffer influence ” will look from use time, children expenditure can take up at least in the time on electronic screen other the activity that has great sense to children development, if kiss child communication, outdoors motion. Con上海桑拿休闲会所推荐sider to make clear before, read than paper quality, the electron is read be brought about attention to be centered hard more easily thereby by outside interference. Other electron media, be like TV program and electronic game, itself has Gao Shuiping’s stimulation and metabolic abundant