New ca上海大桶大398油压pital signs up for dispatch (reporter Kang Jia) rec上海会所不准不开心论坛ently, the netizen films video mir虹口区还开着的桑拿rors city of上海奥京水磨桑拿会所 Shandong dragon mouth after coastal seawater is refluent, blowdown conduit is shown, the fo上海杨浦区荤场子ktvul water that has black flows into the sea. Now (on December 30) , new capital signs up for a reporter to publ上海会所全套多少钱icize a know from d上海市闵行区恬静保健按摩店怎么样ragon mouth municipal Party committee, the con阿拉爱上海 北京 通州duit in video is deserted conduit, the material that block up is se杨浦区男士spaaled to be corroded to damage before this, in sending s水磨石墙面怎么施工ewage to flow上海会所论坛社区 into the sea, at present relevant section is undertaking sealing blocking up afresh. In the one video that Duan Shichang is 1 minute, the beach after seawater is refluent is bare, the foul water that has black flows into the sea. The person that video films says, the sewage of eduction is black not only,松江桑拿休闲会所全套 still have a pungent taste. Around sewage draining exit, conduit of a black is led to more in the sea in. Now (on December 30) , new capital signs up for a reporter to publicize a know from dragon mouth municipal Party committee, the place in video is located in area under administration of dragon mouth city, at present the concerned branch such as water Wu, environmental protection is being investigated and deal with. The foot at the beginning of bran广州水磨qq群ch of classics water Wu is checked, the 阿拉爱上海后花园ktvconduit that films in video is deserted conduit, early days ever had undertaken sealing blocking up, because seal a material to be corroded to damage, partial sewag阿拉爱上海验证贴 爱北京论坛 阿拉爱上海e flows into the sea via deserted conduit in. Concerned unit is adopting measure to be sealed afresh, demolish deserted conduit, permanent close this paragraph of pipeline.