Today is teacher’s day. We wish all teachers the festival is happy黄浦桑拿! The teacher’s day this year, our focusing common teach a teacher especially, she is having not common story. A class 7 students, 4 are to shut disease patient oneself, 3 students do not have a language, among them 2 often get angry from the patient that shut disease, mix badly from incomplete from time to tome shriek behavior, a class of 35 minutes, because out of control of some student mood is abrupt,cry constantly or in trousers of the make water on classroom midway stops. Sometimes, do not have 3 feet dais even, did not teach a club, only ” Martian article ” … such classroom, how to attend class? Can you hold on how again? Yang Xiaojun, an average teacher assuming a tax, the loose river area of she and place complementary read the school other teacher is same, face the medium, pupil that 水磨千人交流群spends intellective obstacle again everyday, teaching this post to go up especially, she stood fast 6 years. Allude to did not come, yang Xiaojun expresses, she can stand fast all the time teaching post especially, because she has deep love for this career. It is a teacher, be ” mom ” , also be nursery governess new term just began, the one grade student that Yang Xiaojun brings originally rises 2上海之夜夜总会荤场 year. When one grade, 7 students have 4 is to shut disease patient oneself, 3 students do not have a language. 7 original this year students rise 2 year, 2 pupils that intellective obstacle spends in sufferring from increased aga水磨干磨 会所介绍in on the class, share 9 students. Teacher of the deputy classmaster that Yang Xiaojun is this class, Chinese, nursery governess, ” mom ” , her body holds several duty concurrently, acting 上海嘉定哪有荤场子different role. Be in this special school, the time of a class is 35 minutes. However, a class wants to go up from the beginning end, need every child nice gift compl寻甸金山水疗按摩etes the mood condition that day, a class should stop many times. 虹口一米阳光spaConstant, the in part reachs on the class, suffer from the child that shuts disease mood out of control oneself to meet scream suddenly on classroom. Before entering office, yang Xiaojun already had contacted a lot of special children, also had handled the issue of child relieve oneself, the sudden situation that faces classroom to go up is not met flurried. But attend class plan v上海闵行区 保健ery全套干磨是什么意思 suffer an effect, often did not go down on the class. How to do? Right now, yang Xiaojun can put down the teaching material in the hand, go to the side of the child’s to undertake conciliato上海水磨会所出勤名单ry. Every child disposition and be fond of are different, conciliatory kind is different. Normally the circumstance falls, yan上海油压店g Xiaojun can wash a face to the child, give the child the hug like mom, flinch flinch his back, pat the shoulder that pats him, or broadcast a few slow the music of the mood, let the child as soon as possible quiet to come down. Interview that day, on classroom one screams ceaselessly suddenly from the boy that shut disease, the cheek that beats oneself, chest, bump desk with the head… the block the way before the reporter thinks, do not know how to should be answered however. The classroom before la极品莞式水磨桑拿会所st that such setting is teaching a teacher especially everyday is actin广记虹口区一米阳光spag. Yang Xiaojun says: “Can scream from the little patient that shut disease, because the environment lets them do not suit,be commonly, or it is classroom too too dull. I can use the vehicle that all sorts of children are interested in, if character of music, animation, award is tasted,wait, the class that allow上海老闵行水磨会所s me becomes more interesting. ” attend class 最新宝山桑拿sometimes go up half, trousers of child make water, at this moment Yang Xiaojun is nursery governess, she brings the child in the corner to wipe the body, change clean trousers, continue to attend cla爱上海桑拿会所费用ss again. Only she and cerebral paralysis little patient just understand ” Martian article ” in July 2017, yang Xiaojun still is during maternity leave, received the school to teach directive center the phone of Zhucai month teacher especially. In the phone, zhu Caiyue says embarrassedly: “Xiaoyang, the semester below the school increased several to send e爱北京验证 阿拉爱上海ducation to be born aga上海高端桑拿会所费用in, journey is further, do you上海十大荤场 see what can you join us send instruct a group? Weigh incomplete child to come to send for these together with us religion. ” actually Yang Xiaojun’s maternity leave rests not smoothly, because,return during body reason be in hospital a month, still still compare in her of lactation静安韵然油压spa被端了吗? body frail. But she hears the school to need her, special student needs her, resolutely agreed. Yang Xiaojun sends taught student Bo Bo, be born in in October 2010. When he still is less than one one full year of life, via hospital examine