The close Er of Turkey Yi at上海大桶大398油压 present that has long history international trade exposition, it is to come from the new product of world each district, new technology to appear on Turkey and even Mediterranean area, ” one belt all the way ” the main platform of along the line, local time on September 6, exhibit can greet one Zhang Zhang fills wh上海之夜荤场还是素场at expect completely to market new opportunity ” Shanghai face ” — had gone to sea the 4th times hand in meeting, here wi上海油压店都关了2019th ” in exhibiting, exhibit ” the form is held 阿拉爱上海aishshand in meeting Turkey to exhibit, equipmen上海莞式水磨洗浴休闲中心t of 35 Shanghai high end is made, the representative enterprise of wisdom city and artificial intelligence domain is by the side of Aegean appear. Shanghai is electric had been the 4th attend hand in the meeting is abroad exhibited. They prepared light of type of tower of salt of coal fired power station, frit meticulously to heat up power station, integrated the sources of energy to run the model of the equipment such as p上海南桥哪有荤场子latform, every are an enterprise main start shooting ” Shanghai is made ” the faithful registrar of the brand. Relevant staff member tells a reporter, turkey industry is right ” Shanghai is electric ” brand actually already not unfamiliar. From 2005 up to now, shanghai is electric the energy project that is Turkey place offerred many coal fired to generate electricity equipment, total capacity amounts to 2555 million tile. The Turkey in be being built with all one’s strength at present Hunutelu 660 million tile exceeds 2 × exceed critical coal fired to generate electricity project, discharge mix standard of excel European Union light engine level, it上海莞式水磨会所 is China ” one belt all the way ” with Turkey ” intermediate corridor ” the priority discipline below the proposal, this project plans to move at will throwing business in October 2021. The company of chain of industry of Shanghai nucleus cable that organizes by office of Shanghai nucleus phone, had been the 2nd along with hand in can go to sea. Handed in last year上海嘉定会所全套水磨 the meeting is Latvian the small knife trying an ox that exhibit, allow vice director of office of Shanghai nucleus phone treasures quick is round to holding in the arms ” go ” , start shooting ” Shanghai nucleus report ” the brand is confident. “Overseas market scope of activity is capacious. This, we were organized technically by sunlighting chapter of group of cable of Shanghai electric nucleus, Shanghai electric, appearance is able to bear or endure 7 enterprises such as company of new material science and technology comprise ‘ Shanghai nucleus report ‘ board piece, whole appears exhibit meeting. ” ” Shanghai elevator ” also be start shooting ” Shanghai is made ” a piece of calling card of the brand, department of trade of external af奉贤古华山庄男士spafairs of sea of Shanghai elevator guild extends chief inspector Zhu Gang to say: “Current, shanghai contributed the 2/3 yield that domestic elevator produces. Meet through be上海女生自荐 千花上海千花 三队 being exhibited this, we hope ‘ Shanghai elevator ‘ the trademark is well-known degree farther to ‘ one belt all the way ‘ along the line spills over. ” hands in meeting Turkey to exhibit on, most the item on display that ground connection enrages should belong to ability of robot love meat, close the orchid family, Gaoxian of domain of the artificial intelligence on a few Shanghai such as science and technology ” alone horny animal ” a肠道水疗上海哪里有ll sorts of brought service robots. Click screen gently, complete process of whole fried dish automatically, feed material to enter boiler by foreword, break up automatically fry, add condiment automatically.上海ktv荤场新玩法.. the corner that exhibit a stage, shanghai loves He Qing of president of eat robot company to express: “I feel ‘ robot of flavour bully fried dish ‘ there can be very broad market in Turkey, cate爱上海水磨娱乐会所 culture is in China to carry forward ceaselessly. ” bus of intelligence of the road sweeper of intelligence of AI, robot that wash the ground, aspiration robot, panda (model) , AI peddles machine of brake of arteries and veins of door lock of ark, intelligence, hand oneself… of ability of close the orchid family exhibit a stage, enrage because of ground connect阿拉爱上海会员交流区 阿拉爱上海 会员验证区ion as much, let松江悦泉spa an audience stay for it. The staff member tells a reporter: “Current, the star product such a合肥滨湖莞式桑拿会所s road sweepe上海桑拿419r of intelligence of our panda intelligence bus, AI, sell already successfully wait toward chief of a tribe of couple全身花式水磨拉丝t of Indonesian, Thailand, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, A, south Africa, Greek,上海会所2018招聘技师 Italy ‘ one belt all the way ‘ country of along the line, the hope is met through attending to be exhibited this, our sound can be given out in Turk上海宝山干磨群ey. Our sound can be given out in Turkey..