A few days ago, the country is industrial and commercial total bureau was announced external the 3rd batch violated advertisement model case phonily 2017. The reporter notices, this year in November, superintendency bureau of the quiet market that bring a district opens Shanghai gave 2018上海ktv荤场one magnify forehead to punish sheet, because unfinished is whole,show Chinese 上海水磨会所全套体验map when trouble firm and be fined 1 million yuan. As we have learned, advisory limited company of party Shanghai Hua Yuhua sale is an ancient name for China Inc.上海南美水疗三楼 of happiness radical course of study exhibits advertisement of the design on card media and flight maga上海闵行区水磨地方zine in motor-car group train. The map of People’s Republic of China that uses in advertisement not national boundaries line complete, accurate express, harmed national dignity and interest. Industrial and commercial total bureau is in fair in showing, point out, party is in design of the following relevant advertisement, be in foregone below the circumstance of mistake of scale of its advertisement map, still did not represent our country territory complete, accurate, go up objectively lasted to violate act, indulge endanger sequential continuity to happen, disobeyed ” advertisement law ” the 9th regulation. In November 2017, superintendency bureau of the quiet marke爱上海同城论坛 爱上海同城对对碰论坛t that bring a district makes Shanghai administrative punishment, confiscate ad fare 88 thousand yuan, fine 1 million yuan. The reporter notices, what began to carry out 2015 is new ” advertisement law ” the 9th specific provision, the dignity that advertisement must not damage a country or interest, reveal national secret. Set to disobeying the 9th, ” advertisement law ” will be opposite clearly promulgato上海干磨会所 上海干磨水磨服务r of advertisement operator, advertisement, by industrial and commercial administration the branch confiscates ad fare, be in million of 200 thousand yuan o上海宝山杨行spa足浴f above yuan the following amerce, the clue is serious, OK advertisement of revoke business charter, revoke issues the certificate that register. Industrial and commercial case announces the partial typical case that total bureau near future investigates as follows: One, Beijing achieves an objective contain in the advertisement content that limited company of interactive science and technology releases party of illegal advertisement case to use date of small letter public to release violate a society good fashion content, disobeyed ” advertisement law ” the 9th regulation. In July 2017, substation of rising sun of industrial and commercial bureau makes Beijing administrative punishment, instruct party to stop to release illegal advertisement, punish not the money is total 203 thousand yuan. 2, broadcasting televisi上海桑拿体验论坛 上海桑拿休闲会所推荐on stage releases double duck hill party of illegal advertisement case belongs to news in place frequency of integrated broadcast, traffic be on the air is released ” soft capsule of lutein of tangerine of lily Kang Yue ” ” t上海ktv上海金色年代荤场素场荤场一览his dynast head capsule ” wait for 10 products to violate adve上海419论坛 花千网rtisement, party is not perfect advertisement carries on register, system of ma上海兼职美女个人服务上门 上海商务模特nagement of examine and verify, did not fulfill advertisement to examine obligation seriously, covert with healthy lecture form release advertisement, make to the effect of medicines and chemical reagents, cure rate, businesslike, security assure s松江悦泉spa会所怎么样exual compliance, undertake false conduct propaganda to the function of commodity, utility, composition, consumer of deceit, misdirect上海市宝山区荤场, disobeyed ” advertisement law ” the 16th, the 19th, wait for a regulation the 28th times. In November 2017, market of city of double duck hill supervises management board to make administrative punishment, instruct party to stop to releas上海性价比最高的kb浦东kb类推荐e illegal advertisement,干磨是什么服务现在 fine 880 thousand yuan. 3, party of case of illegal advertisement of design of advisory limited company of Shanghai Hua Yuhua sale is an ancient name for China Inc. of happiness radical course of study exhibits advertisement of the design on card media and flight magazine in motor-car group train. The map of People’s Republic of China that uses in advertisement not national boundaries line complete, accurate express, harmed national dignity and interest. And party is in design of the following relevant advertisement, be in foregone below the circumstance of mistake of scale of its advertisement map, still did not represent our country territory complete, accurate, go up objectively lasted to violate上海水磨论坛 上海闵行区水磨地方 act, indulge endanger sequential continuity to happen, disobeyed ” advertisement law ” the 9th regulation. In November 2017, superintendency bureau of the quiet market that bring a district makes Shanghai administrative punishment, confiscate ad fare 88 thousand yuan, fine 1 million yuan. 4, limited company of service of news of Shanghai card big finance releases party of illegal advertisement虹口桑拿spa case to use ” scoop up APP of money and valuables ” and gain network of official of money and valuables, conduct propaganda ” the novice is enjoyed only 96982 period change yield 10.0% years ” the content that waits for concerned yield conduct propagand爱上海同城龙凤论坛a, disobeyed ” advertis上海 干磨ement law ” the 25th