Harm of wine of of the previous night is very great, the person of a lot of hangover, 静安宾馆推油the following day ethanol st苏州后花园论坛ill did not metabolize clean, what still drive after existence wine is dangerou上海女生自荐 千花上海千花 三队s. This not recently, xu collected police to seize opportunity of Laosi of a taxi, because of wine of an of the previous night ” to turn over ” . On October 13 morning, xu collects substation policeman to undertake in crossing of road of Mount Hua of road of Zhao Jia creek routine is checked in, discover干磨水磨具体服务 taximan Ling Mou has the suspicion that after doubt is like wine, drives, undertook to its then expiratory detect. Detect the上海推油tykb店推荐 result shows, alcohol cont夜上海论坛上海龙凤419ent of Ling Mou is 34 mil上海夜场订房联系人ligram / 100 milliliter, after belonging to wine, drive. Driver Ling Mou admits yesterday上海贵族宝贝姗姗 evening and cousin 3 people drink together, in the car making return the home severally after drinking 4 two liquor and a bottle of beer. Awake in the morning th阿拉爱上海验证新人e following day, had eaten breakfast, think him position is good one上海哪里有不正规推油self sit went up driver’s seat. Subsequently police 上海贵族宝贝会所 gzbb.mebrings back his make further inquiry investigation. Xu Hui hands in auxiliary group of group of patron wagon announce to grow Gu Jingni to say: “Car of battalion use for emergency use drives after Ling Mou’s behavior had made wine, according to the relevant provision of law of safety of tra宝山上影spa厅好不好nsportation of road of People’s Republic of China, we made administration detain 15 days to him, fine 5000 yuan and the relevant 上海后花园1314龙凤论坛 shhhypunishment of revoke driver’s license, these his behavior and punishment are big to his influence or pretty, because by revoke driver’s license later, he is inside quite long period of time, cannot drive again car of battalion use for emergency use, namely he was lost from job seniority. ” the Ling Mou that faces punishment very regret oneself behavior, he says to the policeman, hope all drivers can draw his lesson, drink of of the previous night does not drive as far as possible after wine, can exist ” wine is driven ” hidden trouble. The policeman expresses, because everybody is right the metaboli会所上海服务体验zation ability of alcohol is different, drink not to drive so, still drive not to drink, drank wine of of the previou上海闵行区水磨会所哪家好s night to also be put in the risk that wine drives, wine of of the previous night the following day everybody also does not drive.